The Fit Perception

Fires, Shots, and the Need for Genuine Empathy

Thomas Belliston Season 5 Episode 98

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Natural disasters should unite us, not divide us. Yet the fires in LA have once again become a political minefield, prompting us to question whether we're losing sight of what truly matters—the immediate needs of those affected. We unpack the insensitivity of turning tragedies into platforms for political agendas and challenge the hollow nature of performative social media posts. Genuine empathy and tangible actions are what's needed most, and we aim to remind everyone of the power of real human connection during these challenging times.

Could weight loss injections be the future of fitness, or are they a lazy alternative that undermines real health? We take on the controversial topic of drugs like Ozempic and their dual-edged impact on self-image and fitness. Some see them as a confidence-boosting jumpstart toward healthier habits, while others fear a decline in motivation for traditional exercise and nutrition. We invite listeners to join the conversation and consider how these medical aids might reshape our approach to wellness, balancing immediate results with genuine, sustainable change.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, what's up y'all? Am I dying? Yeah, dude, I am. Ever since I came back from Utah and I think it's because of the dryness I am congested. Yes, all good, it's fine. We're here and we're alive and it's all okay. And we're alive and it's all okay. Um, is it so annoying? Yeah, dude, yeah, it is Um, cause I can't breathe. Can't breathe when I sleep, can't breathe when I work out. I'm constantly congested. I hack up a lung. Why, though? Um, anyway, so the world's on fire, mainly LA.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing, and you know I don't like to get super political in here, so I won't but anytime, anytime, I see like these catastrophes happen, these natural disasters well, and this one's not really even a natural disaster, because it's hashtag arson Again. So we're going to vent really quick, because that's how we do, and then we'll move on and we'll get bigger and better things. Anytime there's something like this that happens. Why, why, why, why does everyone feel like they need to take a political stance on it? You're a loser. I hate it and I understand. I get that people have political opinions. I get it. I respect that. Whatever, first and foremost, people die, people lost their homes. Let's focus on that, and then you can be a political piece of garbage. How about that? Yeah, let's do that. Second, let's not make that the go-to, because you know dying people. It drives me crazy, bro, crazy.

Speaker 1:

I have really really good friends that live in LA that are actually on both ends of the political spectrum. I have some friends that are very conservative and I have some friends that are very liberal, and the one thing that they don't really want to talk about yet is politics, because, oh yeah, they don't have a home anymore. And it drove me bonkers when I got on social media and you know how we feel about social media. I don't keep it a secret. I think it's a terrible, terrible, terrible thing. Um, and this is just another case of why. It is because everybody who doesn't even live there, they have no skin in the game.

Speaker 1:

All of a sudden, it's like, oh, it's Trump's fault, or oh, it's Newsom's fault, or oh, it's the right or oh it's the left. And how about? Don't do that? How about just don't? Just don't See what happens? Guess what your life won't end. Just don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Be better, be better, just have some sympathy for people. Maybe send some money their way, maybe like contribute instead of just being political garbage. Anyway, it just made me so mad. I was like, oh, people are gross. People are gross that they would take a catastrophe, an all out, just abhorrent event, and make it about their political opinions that probably aren't correct, because most of the time, most people's politics are incorrect on both sides and I have my own opinions about it from a political standpoint, and guess who? I've shared it with Nobody, no one. Why? Cause no one needs to know and no one should care about it at this moment. Oh, I'm trying really hard not to just freak the out right now. Um, doing pretty good, pretty good, keeping it bottled tight. Anyway, it just, oh, dude, I just when people do that like, and it goes beyond just like the whole like political spectrum, like I got on line to see LA in flames and I just see people that are like, my thoughts and prayers are with LA, hey, shut up, just donate some money, do what you can and don't let anyone else that you're praying for LA. Like I understand people get frustrated. It's like oh, thoughts and prayers, I get that You're a sweet person. Guess what? No one online needs to know that you're a sweet person. If you're a sweet person. We probably already know that. We probably do. Guess how many people you helped by posting online that you were saying prayers? Nobody. Now, if you went and donated money, would you go and be like, hey, I donated $700. No, why? Because you're stupid. If you do that, you're an arrogant prick. Same thing with the thoughts and prayers. You don't need to tell anybody. You can do it. Great, I've been praying for LA ever since it happened. Guess how many people I've told about it? Nobody. Why? Because they don't need to know.

Speaker 1:

It's so social media is so gross. Like the second that I saw so many people do that, I was like, oh, you're a gross person, you're gross. You made this about you. Yeah, you're posting about your thoughts and prayers are with them and you're sad. I get that. But also you just made it about yourself. Unless you went and actually did something like, in actuality, went and did something. Unless you went and actually did something like, in actuality, went and did something. Even then, don't post about it. You don't need to put that on social media.

Speaker 1:

It just makes my skin crawl. It makes my skin crawl the whole scenario, and it just makes me sad that I know people there that went through this and lost their homes and their valuables and some people I don't know anybody personally that died, but I know that people have died and everyone in the nation is like making it about themselves and and their political viewpoint and it's like dude, like when do we just stop the nonsense? That's disgusting, that's so gross. Be fricking better. Anyway, obviously I had to bring that up cause it's all over the news and all over everybody's social media and since we all live on that place, you know got to talk about it. Anyway, I just I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't like when people have to make every single thing a political standpoint, over anything that happens in the world and anything that happens in the nation and anything that happens in the your community or your family, whatever, it always has to have a political standpoint attached to it. And it's like gross, just don't, don't do that. Be, be higher, be more elevated, think higher. You can have those standpoints Like I'm not saying don't be involved political, politically, but it just like the second that I see that I'm not saying don't be involved political, politically, but it's just like the second that I see that I'm just like oh, you're selfish, this is about you know, this is. This is about you and your viewpoint, cool, so thank you, but don't care, cause probably already know your standpoint from everything else that's happened. Um, I got to move on cause I get super angry and super frustrated. It's not good for my head anyway.

Speaker 1:

What else is going on? Oh so, there's been a lot of recently well, not just recently, ever since forever and we know how your boy feels about girls and boys sports and women playing in boys sports and competing against biological boys, and I don't think there's a place for that, and you know that. Anyway, I saw the funniest thing I've ever seen. Okay, that's not true, but I saw a very funny thing where there's always been this debate in the basketball world. Well, in's not true, but I saw a very funny thing where there's always been this debate in the basketball world. Well, in sports in general. Like, oh, if an NBA team played against the WNBA team, how would it turn out? And you know it's not really a debate, because everybody knows exactly how that would turn out. If you understand how biology works, then you're fine. Understand how biology works, then you're fine.

Speaker 1:

Um, but uh, there there is a, a WNBA player who her name is Asia Wilson, and I don't like her. I I respect her because she's a professional athlete and she's really really good at basketball, um, but I really don't like her. And because, okay, so if you call yourself the GOAT, you're gross, right, you're just a gross person. Goat meaning greatest of all time for those of you that don't follow sports. So she calls herself the GO goat of the WNBA, which, regardless of whether you are or not, that is beside the point. Don't do that, you're arrogant, gross, anyway. So don't like her, respect her, respect her. Can't do what she does. She's amazing, but I don't like her. Also, she, she comes at Caitlin Clark, who's a rookie. Who's like, the best thing that's ever happened to women basketball is Caitlin Clark. She put it on the map. More people have tuned in to women's college basketball because of her. More people have tuned into the WNBA.

Speaker 1:

Um, because of her. Like, the statistics are unbelievable. What she has done for the sport and Asia just craps all over her and she's like, oh, she's a racist bin. Like, hey, stupid, she's not. Though, because she's white, she's racist. You're being racist by saying that. So shut up, anyway. So I just obviously you can tell I don't like her. Anyway.

Speaker 1:

She's talking to this NBA player named Josh Hart, who I'm a big fan of, um, and Josh Hart's not a superstar, like he's good, he's a really good player, but he's not by, he's not a superstar by any stretch of the imagination. And he's talking to her and asia wilson's, huge dude, she's like six. I want to say she's like six, seven, six, eight, like she's a big girl, tall, tall, tall and uh dominant in the wnba. She's got, she's won, the mvp twice. Uh, I mean, she's got a statue. Her team builder is like she's really good.

Speaker 1:

And josh hart's like maybe six, four, uh, possibly six, five, probably not even that. Um, he's a guard, he's fast, he's good, he shoots, and they're talking about like they're just, they're just digging at each other a little bit, just a fun conversation. And uh, asia brings up she's like um, who would win if we played one-on-one um josh, and josh is like oh gosh, and he's like obviously that puts him in a hard spot. You don't want to be disrespectful but also hey, biology, and uh, she's like, she's like I first Um, I think I would win, uh, and I think the score would be 11 to. I'll be generous, let's say eight. Josh tries so hard not to laugh and he's like, uh, okay, yeah, um, no disrespect or anything, but I would definitely win, win and the score would be 11 to 2, 11 to 7, if I let you score and you could tell that Asia was just like super offended, like crazy offended, which, like I guess, is understandable because she's been worshipped in her sport for so long that she's lost touch with reality. But then it cuts to a clip like so it stops there with her jaw on the floor and Josh is like, oh, what have I done?

Speaker 1:

And then it cuts to a clip of another girl who plays in the WNBA, right Another player who plays with Asia Wilson. So this isn't just like some rando, this is a girl who plays in the same league, on the same level, with the same people as this Asia Wilson chick and she's like she gets asked a similar question where she's like she gets asked a similar question, where she's like the question was and the girl that I'm talking about, her name is Kelsey, plum, and so she is it Plum, kelsey. Her last name starts with a P, I don't know if it's Plum, I know it's Kelsey, anyway. So they ask her if there was a one-on-one match or no. No, no, no, no, just a one-on-one.

Speaker 1:

If, if, if WNBA team took on an NBA team, who would win? And she goes whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm gonna stop you right there. There is nobody in the WNBA who could win against anybody in the NBA. And the reporter's like wait, what, what about? And she's like no, no, no, no, no, no. I play in this league. I'm very good, I've been to the Olympics, I'm the best in the world.

Speaker 1:

And she's like I'm telling you, right now there is not one superstar that plays on the WNBA girls basketball who could beat even a bench player, one of the worst in the NBA. She's like that's just, that's a stupid argument. Like she's she's just flabbergasted that that this reporter would even ask that. She's like that's just a dumb thing. She's like, and that's no disrespect to me and my girls that play this game, that's just understanding and respecting game for game. She's like there's not a single player in the WNBA who could play against any of the players in the NBA and hope to win a game.

Speaker 1:

And I was just like oh shoot, it's one thing for me to say something like that. It's another thing for someone who's actually in the league to say something like that. I was just like wow, as long as we have people like her, I'm not concerned for sports. Carry on Kelsey, oh man, and it was just like. On Kelsey, oh man, and it was just like. It was nice for me, cause I get really frustrated with that whole like girls versus boys in sport.

Speaker 1:

It's like that's just a dumb comparison. Let girls be amazing at girls sports. Let guys be amazing at guys sports. Just let it happen. Why does it have to be a problem? Why does it have to be so bad And're like oh, but they should get equal pay. Okay, then do equal things. Like I don't. There's no, we try to dramatize all this stuff. That doesn't need to be dramatized if we just chill out and be like no, no, they're really good at what they do, let them do that. These guys are really good at what they do, let them do that.

Speaker 1:

The more you try to demand and enforce equality, the less how do I say this Number one the less equality you'll have, because the differences will become so stark that it will implode in your face and then neither side wins. We're seeing that now with all of these enforced DEI EB, whatever in people that shouldn't be there, overlooking their qualifications, which you can't do if you want to be successful in everything, any arena. Do I want everybody to be included everywhere? Absolutely, but do I want it to be based off of qualifications? Absolutely, and obviously there's.

Speaker 1:

It's a tricky subject and there's a lot of variables to that, and I understand that. I'm not naive, but I'm also not stupid when it comes to understanding that if you try to enforce equality, it's not real equality, is it? Because one side's getting screwed always and that's not equal, regardless of whether you say, well, now it's balanced, everybody gets to share. Okay, well, it's still not equal, because somebody deserves to be there and the other person doesn't. Anyway, like I said, I'm super congested and I'm coughing out my lungs, so that's cool. Um, anyway, what else is happening? What else is happening? Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so there was a scandal on um, fox sports, on Fox Sports Network, with this girl named Joy Taylor I think Maybe it's Joy Woods, I don't remember who is it. Yeah, joy Taylor and Skip Bayless, who are not political sports analyst commentators, and the accusations are that this joy lady slept her way, um, to the top of the ladder. Now here's the deal with this when it comes to, like the battle of the sexes, which is such a silly thing. To me it's so funny and I shouldn't say funny because it's serious, but it's just so childish. This is gross that men with power would use that over someone. And so there's these two sides of the arguments where people are disgusted with her for sleeping away at the top and then the other side are disgusted with the men that did it, that wielded this power over this poor woman. And I look at this and I go, uh, who cares?

Speaker 1:

She got where she wanted to be, maybe not by the most respectable actions, but when you're talking about power, when you're talking about like, when you're talking about like, legitimate, getting what I want, who held the real power there? She did. She said I want that, this is a way to get it. Okay, so it's not respectable, I can live with that. Okay, so it's not respectable, I can live with that. And then she said give me that. And they did. They did and I know, I know this this is pissing some people off because you're like ew, that's gross, that's misogynistic, that's, you know, patriarchal, screw the patriarch, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Hey, but at the end of the day, she held the power, she got exactly what she wanted, right, and you're like, yeah, but they shouldn't have done that. Great, I totally, 100% agree with you. I don't think that they should do that either. I think that's disgusting, I think that's abhorrent, I think that's gross. And they might not, you know, historically have the rights and the capabilities and the equality of men, but they, they've held a lot of power as far as like being able to get what they want over men with that.

Speaker 1:

That how do I say this without being crude? With sex, there we go. I just said it out loud. That's a power move and it's so crazy to me that in this day and age, this world, where it's so like out in the open that that bothers people anymore. I don't like it, don't get it twisted. I'm not saying that people should do this Like I don't want anybody to get that confused that people should do this or it should be used as a tool, or that I condone it.

Speaker 1:

I don't, I really don't. But I have a very, very open mind and like I shut off like emotions of what I think is correct, like when I view stuff like this because I viewed the world and I go oh well, sex is a massive industry right now Huge, not saying it's correct. I'm not saying it's good. Huge, not saying it's correct, I'm not saying it's good. But you're kind of naive if you don't think it's a massive industry. And it's all in your face, all over the place. It's all over movies, it's all over TV, it's all over shows, it's all over social media, it's all over commercials. Social media, it's all over commercials. You're naive if you don't think it's being used as a tool and then people are like all up in arms oh, she slept her way.

Speaker 1:

Hey, dumb, dumb. Where are you going to draw the line, dude? You went and watched pornography last night and you're going to come at this, this situation like it's. You're holier than thou. Get out. What are you talking about, you psycho? It's like.

Speaker 1:

So when those things happen, I'm like why does anybody have an opinion on this other than the people involved? It's so like we're so like I told you last time, we're just dumb. Human beings are just dumb collectively. We've just all agreed to act stupid together. We've all agreed that we're going to pretend like sex isn't a huge industry and that it's really bad when someone sleeps their way to the top. But all good in real life. What, dude, that's so backwards. What are we talking about? Either it's all bad from start to finish, head to toe, bad across the board, or you shut up there, you go Like it's. It's so silly to me when people get all up in arms about this and I'm like, dude, you cheated, like.

Speaker 1:

I heard, I heard some guy, um, that had like this hot take on it about, uh, how he was appalled that this could happen in in, uh, the sports world and how it sets back women in sports two decades and like all this dumb stuff. And I was like, bro, didn't you have a sex scandal like five years ago? Weren't you involved in one of those? Like, what are you talking about? This is so stupid. Like, anyway, it's just those like when those situations happen, I just reiterate we've just collectively agreed to act stupid and naive when it comes to certain things, not that we actually think those things about the situation. We've just collectively agreed that, yeah, we'll just say that's bad for this one and it's so crazy to me. And the other thing is no one cares.

Speaker 1:

A week later, literally nobody's talking about it anymore. It was all over everything fitness, sports, that world, that was the only thing anybody was talking about and four days later nothing. So like, if you want to do bad shiz, there is no better time in the history of the world than to do it. That sounds so bad. Hey guys, don't go do bad stuff, please, don't be better than that. But like the whole like canceling everyone that doesn't exist anymore. You get canceled for like 30 seconds and then everybody's like man, what's next? What's next, what's next? It's so crazy. And then everybody's like I don't know why I can't sleep at night. I don't know why I have anxiety, I don't know why I'm stressed and depressed. Well, it's because you can't let your brain process things for more than 30 seconds. It's crazy. It's crazy, crazy, crazy world y'all. Anyway.

Speaker 1:

So, fam, I freaked a lot of people out with saying on the last episode that this was my last, was my last year at various Houston, and I didn't mean to freak anybody out. Like it's not supposed to be something. That's like oh, no, it's, it's, that's not it. That's like I just think it's like that chapter is coming to a close and that's okay. And is it terrifying? Yeah, it's freaking terrifying. I'm terrified. I'm so scared. Um, but that's what life is about.

Speaker 1:

Right is chapters and and just living the absolute, every ounce of every second of every day, out of every chapter, um, and I think that this one's just coming to a close and that's fine, and we'll figure it out and you'll be a part of it, because the show goes on. You know, um, but don't stress, I didn't say it was happening tomorrow. You know, for all my friends in in houston, relax, it's fine, it's fine. Your boy's not going anywhere right now, um, um, anyway. So I just had to clear that up. If you're stressed about it, don't be, don't be, you're fine. Um, let's see what else is happening, oh, okay, so I had a good uh topic that I should address and I think I've talked about it before on here, but it's kind of become a massive thing with so many people that I know and that is it, oh, zempik, or any of those fat loss things, and this will kind of lead into the devil's advocate, actually, because we're going to talk about it, about whether it's good or bad for the fitness industry, but before we get there, let's just talk about it as a whole.

Speaker 1:

So the Ozempic I think it's called GLP-1, something like that, like the official scientific name. There's a lot of different um shots that are like ozempic, that you can take, that do basically the same thing, that suppress your appetite and make you not want to eat. Um, and I know a lot of people that are on it and I I try not to judge people when it comes to like. I used to be really, really bad at this. I used to like be very, very aggressive as far as like doing the healthy version of everything, and I'm kind of over that. I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I want people more than anything when it comes to fitness. I want people to be able to look in the mirror and like what they see, because to me, that is so important for mental health, and I have a lot of friends that don't do that, that aren't able to do that, that, for whatever reason, they hate the way they look and it really really messes them up mentally because when you don't like what you see, you treat yourself poorly, you don't talk to yourself positively, you don't carry yourself in a positive, confident way, um, and that uh affects your interactions with other people, which is sad. But so over the years, my my view and and uh position on those things has kind of changed. I just want people to look in the mirror and go. I like that person, I like the way they look, at least because that's a start. You don't have to love yourself. That's really hard to do.

Speaker 1:

I get that, I'm working on it, you know, um, but liking what you see in the mirror is a really good start to that. Um, and most people I would say I would. I would be pretty confident saying most people don't do that, um, and so, that being said, the these weight loss shots are good for that. They are they. They help you lose weight, and this is mostly for women, like I know a few guys that are on it, but guys have this thing called testosterone that really helps you shred out if you get on it. So you know most of the guys that I know that lose weight, get on testosterone. Most of the girls I know get on Ozepic that I know that lose weight, get on testosterone. Most of the girls I know get on Ozempic.

Speaker 1:

Um, now, that being said, what that does, the GLP, the Ozempic stuff? It just causes overall weight loss, right? So it doesn't necessarily get you your dream body, like it doesn't. It doesn't make you shredded, it doesn't make you lean muscle. It gets rid of weight period, um, and what we're seeing now is there's a lot of these different effects that are happening that are being labeled stupidly Um, like ozempic happening that are being labeled stupidly like ozempic butt and ozempic face, where you don't have booty cheeks, if you're on ozempic, it flattens out, you lose it because that's where a lot of people carry weight, that's where most people carry weight is in their glutes, and when you're on something that just causes overall weight loss, you lose the places where you carry weight. That's in your glutes, and so you don't have curves, you don't have muscle and so you just lose weight.

Speaker 1:

And I like it's made for people that are severely overweight, to help them, that have food addiction issues and obesity and diabetes and like these things that really cause problems. That's who it's for. It's to help them jumpstart weight loss. To help them jumpstart weight loss. And the biggest issue there's two really, really big issues before we get into, like what it does to you. Number one the big issue is people are using it that don't need to be using it, period. If you're not super overweight and you don't have food addiction problems, you genuinely don't need hard emphasis on need to use ozempic. You're lazy, too lazy to do the hard version of that, the natural version of that, which is control your food intake, exercise a lot and sleep a lot. That's the natural version of ozempic. So if you don't need, most people don't need to take this drug.

Speaker 1:

And then also, the second biggest problem is nobody is taught how to get off of it. I don't know of one single person that their doctor told them how to wean themselves off of it, which is a massive problem, which is a sign to me that these doctors are a-holes because they're getting a massive, massive check from getting people on this because it's expensive. They get a cut of that massive, massive check from getting people on this because it's expensive. They get a cut of that. You're stupid if you don't think that the doctors are getting a cut of this, so they're just keeping people on this Ozempic crap. That number one don't need to be on it, but number two, you're not meant to be on it forever. Even the people that need it aren't meant to be on it forever.

Speaker 1:

You're supposed to get off of it and I don't know of a single person that has been told how to do that, because you have to do it safely, like think about. Think about if you were an alcoholic. And I'm not saying that anybody who's on a Zempik is a drug addict. That's not what I'm saying. But this is a comparison. If you get off of alcohol and you've been on, and if you've been an alcoholic for a really long time, you can literally die if you don't have alcohol because your body is so accustomed to it.

Speaker 1:

Um, and the same thing with Ozempic there drug, where it essentially because it, without getting too scientific, it makes you so you don't want to eat, right, so it shuts off that neurotransmitter communication between your brain and your stomach they're saying, oh, I'm hungry, I should eat. It shuts that down, so you don't want to eat. And if you do eat, it makes you sick, you want to throw it up. And there's been some doctors that I've listened to and some some really smart scientists, exercise scientists and dieticians and and those people that know way more than I do about this stuff, that are very concerned because there's people that have gotten off of Ozempic, um, because they're like, oh, I lost way too much weight, I don't like looking like a skin sack full of bones, um, and I, they got off of it and they've thrown up every day since they got off of it, um, and for some people it's been like nine months, 10 months a year, um, where they've thrown up every single day.

Speaker 1:

And there's other people that have had, um, stomach paralysis, which kind of lends itself to the throwing up. Where your stomach is paralyzed, it can't digest food, uh, and that's an indefinite paralysis, like your stomach's paralyzed till who knows when. Um, you know, these are kind of severe side effects. Why? Because you were just wanted to lose some weight. Like that's crazy, crazy. That that isn't what is promoted or really highly emphasized when they're promoting these drugs. It's like, yeah, dude, you could have stomach paralysis, and it's not like a couple cases. There's tons of these, tons of these cases of stomach paralysis, throwing up every day. Another one was they found a huge spike in cancers, in like stomach cancers, in breast cancers in women, like astounding percentages, like I won't say them because I'm not 100% sure, but like in the hundreds of percentages that you're at risk. The at risk percentage skyrocketed when people were on Ozempic, um, and so there's a, a causality there or correlation there.

Speaker 1:

Rather, um, dangerous things, fam, really really dangerous things, uh, where I view that and I go back to like, oh, I want people to look good, like I want people to look, or or see themselves and say they look good and like what they look like. Um, but it's not worth it. To me, some of those are irreversible. Like you can't just because you didn't want to take the time or spend the money to go to the gym and work out and exercise and eat correctly and sleep more. Really, because I've I've never talked to somebody that that didn't have to have Ozempic, that could have done it the other way.

Speaker 1:

Like there there's no excuse. There isn't one, other than you blatantly admit that you're impatient or you're too lazy and I'm not saying that as like I'm trying to be rude, but like that's just a fact. You don't want to do the long way. You're taking the shortcut, and that's fine. Shortcuts are okay, but this one seems like a little too much, a little too dangerous to me to make it worth it, just because you wanted to lose some pounds and they're not even good pounds, it's lean muscle, which if you lose lean muscle, you lose longevity. Like that is a scientific fact that's been studied over and over and over again that if you have lean muscle you live longer period. And when you get on Ozempic it clears out everything, not just fat, lean muscle too, and so, okay, so you lost weight and now you're going to die sooner.

Speaker 1:

Dude, what are we talking about? Like, that's crazy. Please, don't do that. You need to be around You're, you're? You're too important to the world, don't fricking do that.

Speaker 1:

Um, anyway, um, so that's kind of like my view on Ozempic I. I get asked about it quite a bit actually, um, and I don't, I don't judge anybody that does that. Again, like, if that's what you want to do, great, do that. But definitely understand that there are some massive, severely impactful consequences that are around the corner and you should not do it for an extended period of time. Lose some weight? Great. Then get the fuck off of that stuff. Like that's who you are playing with, some serious fire, anyway, that's like.

Speaker 1:

That's like uh, is it meth that makes you lose weight? Is it cocaine? I don't remember the one that just makes you like wired, where you get like, yeah, I think it's meth. Same thing, hey, don't do meth because it makes you lose weight, right, everybody knows that. Same thing with this. Don't do it just because it makes you lose weight. Go the more natural route. You'll, you'll. You'll end up really appreciating it, I promise.

Speaker 1:

Oh, anyway, um, so, that being said, let's, uh, let's continue on with this conversation, but let's get into the devil's advocate. We all right? So the devil's advocate is bouncing off of what we just talked about, um, and if you're new to the show, the devil's Advocate is a part of the show where we not we I discuss an idea, a topic, a theory, something where I take two different sides of it, and I try to do it so evenly and level-headed that you don't actually know what side I am on, which is kind of hard based off of what we just talked about. Anyway, so the devil's advocate today is whether or not Ozempic and those weight loss drugs are good for the fitness industry or just fitness as a whole, or are they bad for fitness as a whole?

Speaker 1:

Fitness industry, um, and I, I think out the gate, the, the weight loss shots, we'll call them um, are are good for the fitness industry. Um, there actually have been some numbers run, uh, and I can't say where they were from, I do not remember. I saw them on a, on a interview somewhere, um, it was a study done by one of the universities, um, but anyway, so the, they were saying that the, the weight loss shots, um, are extremely helpful for the fitness world because they they get people jumpstarted, cause what? What holds people up in starting fitness is they're well, it sounds so stupid. They're scared to start because they don't know where to go. They they're they're embarrassed about what they look like and how they'll be in the, in the um, the gym, um, or their studio or wherever they're going to go to exercise, and they're nervous about that. They don't want to feel bad about themselves or whatever, and so they don't want to do that.

Speaker 1:

But what these shots do is this is what the study was claiming that people feel more confident. That people feel more confident getting started on like a workout program or a diet plan when they've seen the weight drop, when these shots have have helped them see that they can lose weight, and so they're more inclined to go keep doing that via exercise, nutrition, nutrition, running, weightlifting. You know the proper avenues, if you will. So in that way, I think that the shots have kind of helped the fitness industry, kind of jumpstart people where, okay, I took this shot and I'm losing weight and now I want to keep doing it. And you know, I I noticed that that the, the, the weight's coming off, but it's not just fat, so I need to make sure that I have muscle. And so then they go, they talk to the trainers and they talk to the instructors, and they talk to fitness professionals and doctors, um who then, you know, say, ok, well, let's wean off of that and let's go into exercise and diet and all the proper ways.

Speaker 1:

So I do, I do think, and, and polls have shown that people feel more confident because they've seen the numbers go down, which I think I'm I'm not lying I think that's probably true. I think that most people, when they see that there is um that it is possible to lose weight, then they're more likely to go and continue on and do the things that they know they should do. Um cause I think, overall, people know that they need to exercise and they know they need to to eat right, but it's hard. It's really hard when, when you've tried it before and nothing has happened, maybe, or uh, you haven't been able to stick to something or you just genuinely don't like doing it. That's really hard, um, and and the, the shots can help jumpstart that and they can help um build the confidence, uh, that your body can lose weight and so, with that confidence you're, you're feeling more inclined to go and do the other things. Um, I also think that the the shots shots maybe not as a like as an industry as a whole, well, maybe, um, but it's just turned people's mindsets to that where, where, if you're thinking about losing weight and you're talking to people about it, you're talking to your doctor about it, you're going to start to notice more of those things that are related to weight loss than you did in the past. It'll probably come up on your stories on or not your stories, but in your algorithm on social media it'll probably come up, in conversations with friends it'll probably. So it'll be more on your mind and anytime anything is more on your mind, you're going to become more involved in that thing, um, or at least be more, uh, open to it.

Speaker 1:

So I think that, with this massive rush of wave of weight loss shots, people's mindsets are on weight loss and then, when it is, they start hearing trainers talk on social media and they start listening to fitness podcasts and they start listening to professionals in that industry, and um, and then it's just a rolling stone that gets faster and faster and faster and, before you know it, they could and I'm saying they will. I'm not saying everybody does this, but I'm saying the door is open when your mind is on those things and you're more inclined to go take a fitness class and you're more inclined to go check out a gym and you're more confident to talk to a to go check out a gym and you're more confident to talk to a trainer or you know um talk to your friend. Oh, I know that you go to this studio or this gym, what's it like, you know. So I think that it really does open the door to fitness in a way that other things haven't been able to. So I think overall, um, the shots are are beneficial to the fitness industry and to fitness as a whole.

Speaker 1:

Um, as a jumpstart, um to get people into it, um, but, that being said, as a jumpstart, that's great. I don't have that much faith in people, um, I I think that this year, um, just from me being in the industry, usually, uh, january rolls around and gyms are sl-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-slammed, like I'm talking packed dude Um, with people with the new year's resolutions coming in and the holidays, they're trying to get over the holidays and get back on track. So gyms notoriously get destructively slammed, packed to the gills with people signing up and they have massive deals on memberships, and usually that's the case. This year I haven't noticed a slight uptick. Gyms and I go to a few. I don't just go to one gym fam, I have like three, four memberships. I go to a lot of different spots and I can't say that there's I'm sure there's been an increase, but it is definitely not as big as it has been in the past, definitely not as big.

Speaker 1:

Um, and you could say that for a lot of different reasons, right? But if I'm being open-minded, I would dare say that that has a lot to do with people taking the shot and being lazy. Where, okay, I lost my weight, great, I don't need to go work out, this is what I'm doing. And so I think that it's not great for the fitness industry, not just because of that, not just because of that, because when you are able to take a shot and and it's just an injectable and you're able to lose that weight, working out becomes so miserable. We're like why am I wasting my time doing this when I could just lose weight with this shot? It makes it so I'm not hungry, I don't have to actually control myself.

Speaker 1:

You know that's the hardest thing about losing weight, naturally is controlling your appetite and not eating the things you're not supposed to, and controlling the amount that you put in your body. That is, hands down, the hardest thing to do. Controlling the amount that you put in your body like that is, hands down, the hardest thing to do. And so when you have experienced that and then there's this shot, that can just take that toughness out of it, dude bro, yeah, of course I'm gonna take the shot.

Speaker 1:

So I don't think that it's been beneficial to the fitness industry because it plays on to People's laziness and people, just by nature, we'd like to be lazy. We don't like to do things, um, you know, we don't, especially things that are uncomfortable. We don't like doing it. That's just human nature. We just don't like doing things that make us uncomfortable, um, and so I think that that the shot because of how easy it is to and it's guaranteed weight loss Like I'm not talking like this shot doesn't work, no, it works almost a hundred percent of the time Like it's guaranteed to make you lose weight, um, whereas you know, in fitness the guarantee is only as much as you push it. Uh, it's, it's directly correlated to your effort, um, and the shot isn't, it's just you. You take the shot and boom, you're gonna lose weight, period.

Speaker 1:

Um, so I, I, I don't think that it's been good for fitness as a whole, because it taints for fitness as a whole, because it taints the the amount of effort that it takes to be fit, um, because it's not easy to be fit and and taking the shots pretty easy, um, so, overall, I mean I haven't seen an increase in interest in fitness. I haven't, uh, you know, had people talk to me about it as much. Um, and I'm not just saying this year, like ever since this became a thing, people have talked to me about the shot, but as far as, like, being interested in doing a workout program or training or going to the gym or diet stuff, that's kind of gone down a little bit. Like, if I'm being honest, that's gone down and maybe for a multitude of reasons, right, but that's probably one of them. So I don't, I don't think it's going to help out the fitness industry at all, um, until it's kind of too late, like we talked about earlier, that the people get really stuck and then they're kind of in a hard spot trying to get off of that stuff, um, and then, when you get off of it, your appetite comes back hopefully, you know. And then when that comes back, if you're not trained on how to control your appetite, you're going to go right back to where you were and then you're in a vicious cycle. So, yeah, I don't think it's going to help the fitness industry at all. I haven't seen the numbers grow at all. I haven't seen any sort of interest because, again, it's too easy. It's too easy.

Speaker 1:

So that is your devil's advocate about whether or not Ozempic is good for the fitness industry or just good for people's fitness as a whole. Let me know what you think about that. Let me know what you think, what my opinion is. And, yeah, that's your devil's advocate. If you guys have ideas for the devil's advocate, please let me know, because I rack my brain trying to think about these and sometimes I can't come up with them. So, uh, let me know, hit me up, you can text the show. Uh, so text the show if you, if you have ideas for the devil's advocate or or anything you want me to talk about, um, but uh, before we go, um, I always want to leave you with a final takeaway.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so your final takeaway is something that, um, I think is probably the most important part of the show. Uh, and I don't say that every time, but I, I truly mean it, um, because it's something that is actionable, right? Uh, whether that's a, like, a physical action to take, or whether it's a mindset shift, something that you can do, um, and and I, these are principles and thoughts and actions and and beliefs that I have implemented in my life and I've thought about a lot and have made a really big impact in my life in a positive way. Um, so I'm never going to give you something to try that I haven't tried, um, or implemented, cause I don't believe in that. Um, so if, if anything else always just like, if you don't have time to listen to your boy ramble for an hour, which I totally understand and respect um, go to the very end, find the final takeaway, and I, I really do promise, I feel confident, promising that if you listen to it and you internalize it and you make it actionable, your life will be better, um, and there's not a lot of things that I can say that about, you know in the world, but these are things that I, I actually do believe to that level, um, and so your final takeaway today is about time.

Speaker 1:

Um, and it's a I don't know if it's a quote. I heard it. I don't know if I don't want to say that it was so-and-so that said it, if it wasn't Um. So I'm just not going to say who it was, because I don't know if they were the one that said it, um, but the the thought behind this is, um, that time is the only currency that you can only spend and not save, only spend and not save, and you will never know the balance. Time is the only currency that you can only spend and not save, and you'll never get to know the balance. And that, ooh, I got goosebumps.

Speaker 1:

That has been something that I've been thinking about so much, and we all know that. Right, like, deep down, we know that time is finite, that we're not going to be here forever, but we spend time doing so many things that are a waste. We can't save any of this time. Sure, you can take pictures Great, you can have those memories but it's just a picture. It's just a memory. You have to like, we have to spend time Like, if you think about time like that instead of just like getting through life and making some choices and surviving your day. No, no, no, you are spending time. You have an account balance and it's going to run out. Everything you do is spending that time and that's why. That's why, like going back to the previous episode, that's why I have to say that this, this year, or maybe next year, I don't know the timeframe, I'm just assuming, I'm making a, an assumption, that this is my last year doing what I'm doing, because I'm spending time, that I'm not going to get back and it's not time that I'm spending how I want to spend it.

Speaker 1:

Do I love what I do? Absolutely, I really do. I'm not complaining. I love what I do. I have an incredible life. It blows my mind how fortunate I am, but I can spend my time doing other things.

Speaker 1:

So why not try it? Because I can spend it regardless things. So why not try it? Because I can spend it regardless and I'm going to run out regardless. I don't know the balance, but I'm going to spend like crazy bro. I'm going to spend like I have a billion years that I have to spend in 30 seconds. That's how I'm going to spend time. I'm going to spend it so hard, dude, I'm going to spend my time so hard.

Speaker 1:

Sounds so dumb, but it's so true. Spend your time because you can't save it, Spend it all, spend it hard, spend it like you own all of it, because you don't know the balance. And if you really think about that it's it's changed the way that I live my days. It really does, um, where, like, I wake up and I'm like, oh, I'm so tired. And then I think, dude, I'm fricking awake, my body works, I'm good to go, let's go, baby, I'm a spend this day mofo. And it really does change the way that I wake up. It changes the way that I interact with people, where, where I'm just like man, this is a conversation. I'm going to spend this time with this conversation. What's up? Um, you know, and and it really has helped me to like, be in the moment where I'm in control of spending that time um, so, yeah, that is your final takeaway. Uh, is is I hate that cliche spend your time wisely, but Spend your time aggressively. How about that? How about spend your time hard? Um, that's your final takeaway. I love you guys.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning in. This is a highlight for me. I appreciate all of you guys' support your love, your sweet messages. When you message me Like I said, texas show, I'll get those it makes my day. Tell me what you thought about the episode, tell me what you want to hear in the future like guests you want to have on. But at the end of the day, I hope that you know that you are very special, that you as a human being, as an individual, are extremely important because there's just you. That's it. There's just you and you need to value you and your time and who you are, because there is literally nobody that is you. So I hope that you know that you're loved, that you're important. Thank you for tuning in. This is another episode of the Fit Perception Podcast. I'm your boy T and I am out, so I'll see you next time.