The Fit Perception
The Fit Perception
A Candid Look at Birthday Controversies
As the confetti settles and we step into a new year, lets discuss new resolutions and goals. I recently discovered that exhaustion is the result of pouring our time into ventures that don't really matter to us. This new season of the show will revolve around talking about the things that truly matter to me and not just the topics that will be entertaining.
In this episode, T talks about a marathon runner's ingenious shortcut while confessing talking about his own marathon plans. T also announces that this is the year he is going to open a fitness space where sweat and ambition are the foundation of the community there. A place that's not just about lifting weights but its a place to go as hard as possible just because we can, where the 'alpha' ethos thrives, and where people come to be the best versions of themselves.
Finally, we tackle the enigma of birthday celebrations with a healthy dose of humor and debate. Are these annual festivities a vital mark of individuality, or have we drifted into vanity's embrace? Without revealing where I stand, I invite you to ponder the significance of these milestone occasions. As we wrap up, I encourage you to share your tales, engage in vibrant discussions on social media, and together, let's sculpt a year of shared triumphs and personal betterment.
Happy freaking new year everybody. What is crackle-ackin? I know I've been missing for a bit. It's been a hot second. It's fine, it's all good, so I'll get right to it.
Speaker 1:I burned out hard, got way too busy doing things that didn't matter at all, like didn't matter even a little bit, and I learned something pretty fascinating about myself, and that was and this might not just be myself, this could be literally everybody Exhaustion happens when you focus way too much on things that you don't actually care about and that don't really matter in the long run. Like, how do I do this without letting you into every aspect of my life? So just, I got, I started to get lost in things like social media and I don't mean like like just scrolling for hours and hours and hours, but like getting lost in. Like okay, how do I become a bigger name on social media? How do I become, you know, more of a presence in the fitness world? Like, how do I do that? And I genuinely do not care at all about social media. Like I really you'll know that I've made it fam. When I can get off of social media completely, you'll go oh, he's made all of his goals, he's capped out, he's the best version of himself because he doesn't exist on social media. That's how you'll know that I've made that, so I'll know that I've made it. Um, anyway, so, like, I really do not care about social media at all, and that is just an example. There was other things as well, but that is an example of why I was reaching exhaustion, because I was focusing on things that I don't actually care about and that don't really matter in the long run. Like it, it brought nothing of value to my family. It brought nothing really monetarily valuable in my life. It didn't build me up into a better version of myself, it didn't help me connect with better people. Like there was nothing that added value to my life as a whole, and I was spending way too much time on it for very little return. Um, so, yeah, I was just exhausted, I was just tired, and so I needed to take a step away from social media a little bit and needed to take a step away from the podcast and kind of reevaluate things there.
Speaker 1:See what the what the goal is from here on out, see what we want to try to do with this. I do want to keep going with it, and I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up like a donations on portion on my site. If you would like to donate, that would be wonderful. You don't have to, by any means you don't have to, but it does help the show go. It kind of gives me like a a heads up, that like people are caring about what's being said and want to hear more, and so, yeah, I think I'll set up a donations thing, not that you have to to keep listening, it's not going to be like a Patreon or anything, but that way we can possibly hopefully eventually get this on like an actual studio level with lots of guests and stuff. So, anyway, that's that's the goal that I want for this to to have in the coming year.
Speaker 1:I do I have, like you know how, like every New Year's, people like get so obsessed, like, oh my gosh, it's a new year. Hey, no, it's another day. You woke up, okay, chill out with the whole new year. New year, new me. Woo, shut up, no, it's another day. If you suck two days ago, guess what you suck today. So, with that being said, you know, setting goals, setting new resolutions, those are big things that happen right now If you're not already trying to do them, chances are it's not going to happen right? So my view on how to be successful with New Year's resolutions, new goals, is just do the things that you were doing and then do something similar, do something that that pushes you obviously outside of your comfort zone, something like and I'm not saying that you can't do anything new, but like if you have waited, like, for example, like if you didn't do it in December just because you wanted to have it as a quote unquote New Year's resolution, it's not going to work out for you.
Speaker 1:Like, I have a goal to get completely off all stimulating supplements like caffeine or, or you know, shrooms or gummies or whatever you take. I don't want any of that. I don't want anything. The only supplement quote unquote that I want to give myself is like nitric oxide for for working out, and that's that's my goal, because it doesn't. It doesn't like shut down my my brain cells, it doesn't like hype them up, it doesn't over exhaust my adrenal glands, it it simply helps me when I work out to get a good pump, which is a feeling that I love. So that's the goal. I'm not saying that I've cut out all caffeine. I will say that I've cut it down to less than half.
Speaker 1:And guess what? I already knew that going into January is like that's what I want for 2024. I want to get to the point where I'm baseline no extra supplements, I'm just running on water, I'm just running on my natural energy, testosterone, all that stuff. And I started it the second that I had that thought in my brain, which is in December, like mid December didn't have to wait for January. Why? Cause, if I wait for January, guess what I'm telling myself? I don't want it bad enough to make it happen.
Speaker 1:So, that being said, if you have New Year's resolutions, I hope and I pray for you that you didn't put them off until January 1st, because I'll give you $700,000 on a bet that you won't accomplish it because you didn't give yourself enough drive in the first place. Okay, don't actually take me up on that, I don't have $7,000 for you. But yeah, new Year's resolutions have always bothered me. I always thought they were so stupid. I always thought they were just dumb.
Speaker 1:If you have things to do, just do them. If you have things that you want to improve, just do it. Oh my gosh, stop waiting. It's so annoying. Just be better right now, if I ever get a tattoo I'm not saying I'm going to get a tattoo Would I love it? Yeah, sure, maybe, but if I did, it would just be the words be better, that's it. That's all. That's. All you have to do always is just to be better, period, okay, and that just comes to effect.
Speaker 1:You just need to be in tune with your reality, because so many people, so many people and this will be a final takeaway I'm going to say this is the final takeaway, but I'll preface it here so many people do things that take them out of a reality which is so unbelievably bad for you. It leads to depression, it leads to anxiety, it leads to stress, it leads to a misconstrued sense of who you are, and that can be a multitude of things Getting out of a reality. That can be drugs, that can be drinking, that can be too much time on social media, that can be gaming, that can be television, something that gets you out of the reality that you're in, of your job, your career, your schooling, your relationships. Those are realities. Those are things that have to be done, those are things that you need to focus on and things that distract you from that or take you out of that most of the time are not beneficial. Like I'm all for rest and relaxation and taking time off and refocusing and recalibrating, but not in a way that separates me from reality. Like the things that separate you from reality are so bad for you. Like you have to be in a sense of reality for you to be better. You never get better doing the things that take you out of that reality. You never get better drinking. You never get better doing drugs. There are drugs like psilocybin mushrooms that can elevate your thinking and can elevate your mind and then when you're outside of that experience, you can go and work on yourself and be better, but in the moment you weren't being better, you were just having an experience. Same thing with television, same thing with social media. In the moment of the stuff you're not being better, you're being a lesser version, a stagnant version of yourself, and that's okay. I hesitate to say that because I don't really believe that, but I guess in a sense it's okay for a little bit. But you have to go back to reality because reality is where you get better. Dreamland is where you stay the same and stay stagnant and be a loser In reality. That's where you can actually be the best version of yourself. So do more things that allow you to be in that reality, to face that reality. Stop the things that separate you from that reality.
Speaker 1:Anyway, don't know how I went down that road, but yeah. So I want to get to a baseline. I want to get to the point where I don't have to have caffeine to run, like I don't want to be able to, like. I want to get to the point where I wake up at 4.30 in the morning five out of six days a week. Okay, sunday I wake up at like 7.30 or whenever JJ gets me up, but from Monday to Friday I wake up at 4.30 in the morning and, yes, that's early, and oh my gosh, it's early and I have a lot to do and I work out for a living and I do fitness stuff. I want to get to the point where I can wake up at 4.30 and then I don't have to go have a Celsius or any sort of caffeine to get me going through the day, like I want to get to the point where I can wake up and just go. And so that's my quote, unquote New Year's resolution, if you will that I started in mid-December. Okay, and that's why I'm going to be successful at it is because I didn't wait to start it Like it's.
Speaker 1:Like that's so stupid. If you have something to do that you want to do, that's going to make you better just freaking, do it. Also, my wife got these as pedagrino ascens sparkling waters. They're not great. They're not great. The only sparkling water that's worth anything is topochico, or liquid death.
Speaker 1:Anyway, moving on, what else is happening? Well, in the world of sports. There's so much happening in sports I really don't want to get into it, but I do have to say there was one thing that I read that made me laugh my eyes out. So I was like this lady deserves a medal, not the consequence that she got. So there was a woman who ran in a marathon and she was like running marathons consistently, like she was a pretty well-known person. I'm not going to say the name, but she was a pretty well-known like marathon runner, and then I don't remember what gosh, I forgot to write down what marathon it was. It was in the US, though, I believe. Anyway, she was running a marathon and she got quote, unquote busted for jumping in a car 10 miles in driving to two miles before the finish line, jumping out of the car and running the final two miles to finish the marathon. So she did less than half the marathon and still got celebrated for running a fast marathon. I was like yo, she hacked the system, dude, she hacked it. She's a genius, she doesn't deserve. She got kicked out of marathons for like six years. She's not allowed to run in another marathon for like six years because she did this.
Speaker 1:Not hilarious, but also like hey, she used her brain and she beat the system. Like nobody I've run a marathon. Nobody. Okay, I can't say nobody. No, normal person enjoys running marathons, like like literally enjoys it. Like. There's masochistic people that are like, no, I love the challenge. Okay, you love challenges, you don't love the marathon. There's a big difference between loving a marathon and loving the challenge of the marathon. Okay, no one in their right mind loves a marathon. Because why? Oh, yeah, it's crazy, that's crazy, anyway. So shout out to this lady round of applause for this lady for beating the system and using a car to run a marathon. Amazing, amazing, oh.
Speaker 1:And also, people keep asking me if I'm going to do another marathon. Here's my answer no, no, I'm not the only way that I will run another marathon and it would be the only other. I wouldn't ever do it again after this. The only way that I would run a marathon is if I went to the actual place where marathons began in Greece run marathon. It's a place I would run marathon. That would be the only way that I would do it, and you have to like plan this years in advance, so it's not going to happen anytime soon, just because I think it would be really, really, really cool. Number one I love Greece. It's my favorite place I've ever been, so I would definitely go back there in a heartbeat. But number two also, it's the OG marathon, where all the insanity happened. So I think that would be very, very, very cool to do. But yeah, that is not in the cards at all. That's not in the cards at all Right now.
Speaker 1:Anyway, what else is going on? Yeah, y'all, I really do hope that, like with all my dumb and entertaining freakouts, meltdowns, whatever you want to call them that you understand that, like I want you to have the best 20 like year of all time. I want you to have an incredible year. I don't want you to think that, like, you shouldn't set goals or that you like, oh, there's no point in it. No, there is, there is. There's definitely a point, and I want you to be very, very, very successful this year. This is a big year for me personally, I hope Towards the end of the year.
Speaker 1:Last year I had a lot of like big Gut checks, I guess, if you will, where I don't know. I guess I just I saw life in a completely different sense. I Started seeing life as a whole, I think more, where I saw the people that I, I really really care about and I really Want to care about more and be more invested in those relationships, and I realized like, oh, I've been doing things incorrectly, like I've been. I've been setting goals and and Tasks and and things that I want to get it done for myself. I've been setting them in the wrong way, not that I set the wrong goal, I just set the wrong path towards that goal and and so for me, this year, I Want to, like it's no secret, I want to have my own Fitness facility. Like I want to have my own Space to train, my own gym, my own studio, my own recovery place, like I want all of that for myself and not not for myself. And this is why I was getting very, very frustrated and and short-tempered and stressed towards. You know, probably since, like October on of last year, is I didn't know how to make it happen. I didn't know necessarily why I wanted to do it, other than that I just wanted to.
Speaker 1:But, that being said, I reevaluated and going back to to having my own fitness facility in my own place to do stuff Is because I want to have a place for people who are like me that Don't necessarily care about all of the the the most specific way to work out and the best way to build muscle and the the most like scientific way of exercise. No, no, people like me Just like to work out Because it's hard to do. I Don't necessarily care. I used to. I don't really more really care anymore about Having the perfect physique or putting on a ton of muscle and then shredding down, or Having the best mobility workout ever or having the best strength. I just work out because in the moment of working out, it's so Demanding, it's so hard to do, and I just want to create a place that inspires that it's.
Speaker 1:It's not a place for people that don't like to work out but know that they need to and they're gonna come to be just because they know they have to get it done. No, no, you don't want to come to my space, then it is not for you, it is for people who like to do very, very, very hard things and Like to be around. The same type of people high energy, very intense, very alpha. Those are the type of people that I want to create a space for, because a lot of the time, especially now in this world like that, is getting to be looked down upon, I think, as like, oh, no, no, no, your freak, your, your, your too much, you know too much. You need to tone it down a little bit. I've been told that so many times. You need to tone it down a little bit. Great, I understand. For that space I will in. In my space, space I want to create, there is no toning down. It is hardcore, always. There is no softness at all and and that's not because I don't understand that softness is a is valuable, it's because that's just not what we do in that space. So, anyway, I want to create a space that that anyone is welcome to, as Long as you like to go as hard as possible and like to to have a lot of fun and be really loud and be Super energetic and happy. You have to be happy, that is a huge key. You've got to be happy coming in and if you're not happy coming in, you will be happy going out, anyway, so that's that's on my mind. That's like the biggest focus is. I want to create that space. Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of things to do to make that happen. Lots of money, holy crap. So, anyway, so that, that's, that's pretty much my whole focus.
Speaker 1:And this, this podcast, is gonna be a little bit different, I hope, going into the new year, just because before I tried to keep it mostly centered around fitness and sports and exercise, and and it still will be, because that's a huge chunk of my life. But I want this to be a place of reality. I want it to be a place of Thinking and I'm not gonna hold back. I don't think anymore as far as, like, addressing political things and spiritual things and and Things of that nature. Obviously, I'll still talk mostly about fitness, but like when I have a thought. For example, I've been obsessed with the idea of free will recently and I'm not gonna go into it tonight because it'll be crazy. But like those type of things, like I'm going to just get on here and Let the thoughts spew out of my mouth hole, just because I don't want to be I don't, I don't want to put on a facade. That's not completely me and that doesn't mean I'm gonna tell you deep, dark secrets and, and you know, unload on y'all. But like I, I I want it to be.
Speaker 1:Again, going back to that whole reality thing, I'm not gonna sidestep reality. I'm gonna address things that come up. I'm going to talk about them in the most to me logical but I guess, the most blunt way possible and hopefully, obviously you guys know how I like to keep things two-sided, address them from both sides and obviously I get very, very passionate, I get very, very worked up, but that's okay, that's who I am, that's what I enjoy. So that's how this is gonna go Like. Obviously I'll talk about the fitness stuff, I'll talk about the exercise stuff, I'll talk about the sports stuff.
Speaker 1:But going forward, there's gonna be a lot of other things that go into this show and it's gonna develop throughout the year. I'm sure you know, have other things, other chunks, I guess, or things like the devil's advocate, the final takeaway. I'm sure those things will be adjusted throughout the year, but, yeah, I just wanted this first episode of the year to be something that addresses things that are happening in my life. I do have a goal for this. I want to put one out every week, if I can. Yes, it's very, very difficult, but also, they may or may not be short, they might be long, they might be whatever, but that is my goal is to have it out every week at least. Maybe give myself a grace of a couple weeks here and there. Yeah, anyway, let's move on. Let's keep this short. Let's keep this one sweet and concise. Let's move on to the devil's advocate.
Speaker 1:All right, so the devil's advocate for those of you that don't know or are just tuning in for the first time, welcome if you are. But the devil's advocate is the chunk of the show where I debate with myself, and it can be a serious topic. It can be a not serious topic, it can be something entertaining, it can be something serious, but the whole point of the devil's advocate is to show that you can have an opinion and still talk about, in a very real sense, the opposing side of that opinion, because I think it's a very healthy thing to do. I think it's very well. It doesn't really happen in the world too much anymore. So, and I hope, like the whole point of this is to do it so well that you don't actually know what my real opinion is. And so this one is kind of entertaining not hilarious, but kind of entertaining and it comes from the fact that I just had a birthday. So your devil's advocate is birthday celebrations Too much or not enough.
Speaker 1:So I think that birthday celebrations are obviously they're very, very important. Obviously, they're not something that has like I mean sorry, they are something that's been done for a very, very, very, very long time and people, for as long as we know, have celebrated birthday celebrations of one sort or another. Some of them are massive, some of them are not massive, some of them are low-key, some of them are these huge events. But I think that it is a beautiful thing to celebrate oneself. I think it's something that people should really put time and thinking like there's those celebrations that people celebrate all month. That's a little overkill, but I think a birthday celebration should be something that is a big event for you, that you've put time into and been very specific in the people that you wanna be around and the people that you want to have at your party and the focus of the party, like it's so much fun to go to a birthday party that has like a theme, right, like, and adults, children, doesn't matter the theme. Obviously, the themes get crazier as you get older, but you know, jj had a car theme. He loves cars. You know, this year I'll probably do Spider-Man or whatever you know, and I think that that is so fun because it allows people to see, like, oh, thomas loves this, I can't wait to go celebrate him and these things that he enjoys, that he loves.
Speaker 1:So I do think that birthday celebrations are a wonderful thing to do. I think they're a beautiful thing to do and I think they help people. I would hope, I would hope this that they help people to value themselves and to see themselves as a valuable contribution to the world and a unique contribution to the world. Because I think, you know, as we go through our year and the months and the days, we get monotonous and things just happen to us and we kind of lose ourselves in just existing right. We just lose ourselves in the day-to-day conundrums, the mundane. I wake up, I go to work, I work out, I come home, I go to sleep, I eat, whatever it is. There's a few times you know the trips that you take or the events that happen out of nowhere, the spontaneous events that go down, but for the majority of time we're just kind of existing. A lot of us are that. Don't put the time into more than that, anyway. So I think that the birthday parties and the celebrations are wonderful. I think that they should be a massive, massive event every year, something that you get to look forward to, something that you plan for, not something that just is. You know, put actual time into it, put effort into it, put thought into it, to let people into your life and to see what you enjoy and the things that you like to do and the things that you like to your interests and your hobbies and the things that bring you joy. I think that is a beautiful celebration of your uniqueness and your value to the world. You know, and everybody expresses that different ways Some people like to dance and to party and other people like to have a low-key party where it's just a few intimate friends. And I think the bigger celebrations are beautiful. I think that they bring a lot of joy to a lot of people. I think that they allow people to reflect on their value as well. So it's not just about the individual. I think that it helps the other people that are in the vicinity of that party and are a part of it. It helps them to reevaluate their life. I mean like, oh yeah, we're not just a group of existing entities on this weird planet spinning through space. We're individual intelligences that have thoughts and feelings and experiences and opinions, and it's beautiful. I have them, you have them, and this birthday is a great reminder of that celebration and it brings a lot of beauty to life, I think. So, yeah, I think that birthday celebrations are a wonderful thing and they should be celebrated and they should be promoted and they should be focused on, because it is important to celebrate yourself. So, yeah, I think that birthday celebrations are huge and I think they're very important.
Speaker 1:On the flip side, I don't understand why people celebrate birthdays at all. I don't get it. I don't understand why. It's a big deal. I don't like that. It's a big deal. It drives me absolutely bonkers crazy that people think that they're so important that they need to celebrate themselves for more than 30 seconds. Here's my thing. Here's my thing, and this might be inappropriate.
Speaker 1:So if my sisters and my family are listening to plug-ers, why are you so effing excited that your parents slept with each other? That's it. That's what you're celebrating and don't argue the point. That is the celebration. You are celebrating something that you, as an entity, had absolutely no control over. Mom and Dad banged and guess what? You exist now, so go give Mom and Dad presents. How about that? How about that's the party? You go give Mom and Dad presents because you exist now. You didn't make the choice to come and exist.
Speaker 1:I don't understand why you're so excited to celebrate the fact that your parents slept with each other. That's crazy. And people are like, oh no, no, no, it's about hey, shut up. Biologically, that is what you're celebrating Something that you didn't have a choice over your existence that you're so proud of. That you're. Oh my gosh, it's my birthday. Wow, let's go Crazy. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, no, you exist because your parents slept with each other. That's it, bye-bye.
Speaker 1:So if you're having a birthday celebration, that's what you get to celebrate. Okay, that's what it is. Biologically, that is your birthday is because your parents got crazy, so no, I think that the birthday celebrations are way out of control. Way out of control. Nobody is that important to celebrate yourself for a month. I don't care about the horoscopes, I don't care about the whole Capricorn, whatever. I don't understand it. And I'm not saying that if you do, you're a bad person. I don't care what you do, I don't care if it's spiritual, I don't care if it's religious, I don't care if it's horoscope, whatever. No one should celebrate their birthday for a month. That is so asinine. You should be locked up for that.
Speaker 1:The fact that you think and I say you, I'm just saying people, okay, don't get offended the fact that someone thinks that they need to have a whole weekend for people to buy them stuff because they simply exist, is so crazy. If you, I'm all for celebrating yourself If you've done something worth celebrating, if you work really hard and you crush a goal and you do something so hard and you've been grinding it out, go celebrate, get absolutely buck wild, celebrate yourself. You're a hero. If you just simply breathe, there's no reason for celebration. Right? You exist. Oh, you mean like 8 billion other people. 8 billion other people exist too. Why are you celebrating so hard? That is so crazy. No, you don't deserve that. You exist. Congratulations. 8 billion other people do too. Also, I'll reiterate you exist because your parents slept with each other. That's it, that's all. That's all you're celebrating. Get it through your head. That is what you're celebrating.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, it is out of control. You know what? I had this conversation with Tori. You, if you're going to celebrate your birthday, you should be giving gifts to all of the people that come to your party, not the other way around. The people that are like so peeved that so and so didn't get it in my gift. You should be slapped across the face. No, I'm not advocating violence, but you need a wake-up call. You are not that important that everyone should give you gifts and celebrate you. That is so crazy, so selfish and so arrogant. Stop that.
Speaker 1:If you have a party, a birthday celebration, you should be giving out gifts to other people because you exist. Right, like? Follow my logic here. No one should give you anything. It should be the other way around. Hey guys, I exist. Thank you so much for supporting me and who I am. I really appreciate you. Here are gifts from me, because it's my day. It's my day, so I'm going to use my power to bless other people, rather than have other people do things for me that don't matter, because I did so, I didn't, I haven't done anything. I should be giving out gifts to other people because it's my day, it's my turn to do stuff. That's what a birthday. So if that's how you celebrate birthdays, I'm all for it. Good on you, totally support you.
Speaker 1:If you're on the other side of that, where you're like, no, I have a whole weekend planned, you and I can't be friends, that's unbelievably crazy. And that's not true because I have a lot of friends that do that. So but yeah, the fact that people think that it's so unbelievably arrogant to me that people think that so highly of themselves and most of the time, those people that think so highly of themselves, that think that they need a whole month or week or weekend to celebrate themselves, have the most crippling depression that I've ever seen. So is there a correlation? Maybe, anyway, so that's your devil's advocate. Let me know what you think. Let me know what side you're on. Are you pro birthday? Are you anti birthday? Also, let me know what you think.
Speaker 1:I am Got a little carried away there. Didn't quite do that one justice, I don't think, but let me let me know. Also, let me know what devil's advocates you have for me. They can be serious. I will be getting more into, um, I don't know, or I won't shy away from, I should say um, the the very serious topics on this one, uh, in this season of the show. Um, but yeah, that was a, those cute little devil's advocate. Um, let me know what you think, Let me know what you have for me, uh, and with that, let's finish the show, as we always do, with the final takeaway.
Speaker 1:Your final takeaway today, fam, if it's your first time joining, thank you for listening. I appreciate you. Um, but uh, the final takeaway is something that you can do, whether that's an action you can take, a physical action, a mindset that you can implement, a thought process, just something that you can do that I like to to give people to try that. I've tried, that I do, or something like that that I have had help me in my life, either elevate it to success or, uh, happiness, or more discipline or motivation or whatever it was. Um, it just it helped me in my life in like increase in some way.
Speaker 1:So your final takeaway today is well, it was going to be that reality thing, but I went way too deep earlier, um, so the the final takeaway today is if you want to really be successful and this is something that I very, very deeply, truly believe you, and I've said it on multiple episodes you can't be married to your opinions, right? You can't be so tied to your opinions that you lose the ability to change. Um, because that's the only way we get better is through change, and if you're super, super tied to your opinions, you are limiting your change. So, if you want to improve and this is something that I'm going to try really, really, really, really hard to do again, because it's a process for myself um, throughout the year is, before I do anything, whether that's whether that start a new gym, whether that's, uh, start a new fitness concept, whether that's the podcast, or whether that's, uh, a relationship or whatever it is. We all go into those things with opinions about how it's going to go, opinions about how it's going to turn out, opinions about how we are going to respond to certain things in there. And if you want to be successful and I do we have to go into those situations Before hand, before we get there. We have to go in being okay with having our opinions change, having our our thought process behind why we do it, what we're doing, how we're doing it, how it's going to turn out, that we have to be okay with those things changing. So the final takeaway is in any situation you get into, I want you to try to you know, in any situation you get into, I want you to try to find your opinions about that thing, how it's going to go, how you're going to respond to it, what you're going to do with it, and then follow up that finding of of your opinions of it and ask yourself am I okay with my opinions changing on this thing? Whether that's a discussion with someone, whether that's a business venture, whether that, whatever it is, what it doesn't matter how big or small it is either. Whatever it is, I want you to ask yourself what are my opinions about it and then follow up with am I okay with my opinions changing? Because if you're not okay with that, don't do it. It's going to be a very, very, very stressful thing and very, very difficult thing and probably something that isn't going to be great for you if you're not willing to have your opinions change. I'm not saying that they will change or saying that they have to change, but I'm saying you need to be able to be willing to let them change if they need to. So that's your final takeaway Let your opinions change and and avoid the things that you're not okay with your opinions changing on. That's the show.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for tuning in. I appreciate you, guys. I kept I tried to keep it shorter than usual 45 minutes but yeah, going forward, I'm excited. There's a lot of stuff that I want to talk about. There's a lot of things that I I have avoided talking about in the past because I wasn't sure how it would be received, but now I don't care anymore. So this is going to be a very fun season of the show.
Speaker 1:If you have questions for me, if you have concerns, if you have devil's advocates, final takeaways, whatever, even just stories that happen to you that you want me to talk about or or discuss, let me know. Hit me up on social media. The fit perceptions podcast or Thomas Belliston Either one works, you know, share clips. I'm going to be sharing clips of these on social media, so it would be hugely helpful if you'll. If you'll, if you'll share clips. Share those as well. I would like to to grow this to a a level that is very, very helpful for people and that we can have bigger people on. That can help us improve our lives. So, that being said, I love you guys. I hope you have a wonderful year. Let's crush it and that's it. I'm out.